
T.U.F.F. Mission X: Saga 2 - Chapter 27

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T.U.F.F. Mission X: The T.O.O.R. Saga – Chapter 27

The former innocence

Schism was inside his own personal T.O.O.R. ship, which was parked just outside of Petropolis, between some large hills. These hills kept the ship hidden from anyone in the city. Schism was busily working on a large shiny red machine within the dark interior.

“Ghh…” he growled as he twisted a wrench and crossed a few wires. “They’re all going to pay… Wreckage and Katty think they can push me around? We’ll see about that.” He reached his arm under a panel. Many parts of his body were covered in oil. “It was foolish of Wreckage to think that he’s the only one with a T.O.O.R. Destroyer… Turns out I made a second one, just in case something went wrong. That’s the reason why I wasn’t finished of the power core when he asked that time, although he was too thick to realize it…*”

[*As seen in T.U.F.F. Mission X: The T.O.O.R. Saga (Saga 2), Chapter 9.]

“Once this weapon is complete, I will destroy everyone…” he said under his breath. “Wreckage, Katty, Dudley, Kitty, Prospect, Ruckus… Well, maybe not Ruckus, as annoying as he can be…” He thought for a moment. “By all rights, I should have killed Daisy when I had the chance. She might try to warn T.U.F.F. about the weapon.” He got up on his feet, rubbing the lens of his helmet. “It was stupid of me to let her go… but unless she really causes me a problem, I feel that I shouldn’t get rid of her for now. She just reminds me too much of Chloe, as much as I can’t stand the thought of that…”

“Who?” asked a rough voice from behind him.

Schism turned around to see Wildfire enter the ship. He glared at him. “None of your business.”

Wildfire laughed. “Ha ha ha! Come on! I’m the only jerk you’ll trust in this whole army. I mean, you were just sort of talking to yourself there. I believe the name you said was…Chloe.”

Schism looked away from him. “Drop it.”

He grinned. “I’m just wondering who your lady friend is. …Is she a real looker, or what?”

Schism quickly turned around and emitted a red energy blade from his forearm armor, pointing it at Wildfire. “I-said-DROP it.”

Wildfire threw his hands out in front of himself with a small laugh. “Ha ha! Relax, man! I’m just messing around!”

Schism shut off his energy blade and gritted his teeth. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Talk about her like that again and I’ll-”

“Jeez, you’re sensitive about this person,” he said with a more serious expression as he rolled his eyes. “You’re usually easier to get along with.”

“Yeah, well you came at a bad time. What do you want, anyway? You contacted me about something that Purpose was involved with that you think I would care about. Should I?”

Wildfire stretched his arm out to give Schism a small device with a screen. “I found a bunch of information when I met up with Jack Rabbit. He dropped a laptop that had some pretty interesting info.”

Schism held the device and turned it on. “You got info from Jack Rabbit? That does sound interesting…”

“Yeah, I uploaded all of the info he had from his laptop into that doohickey. I figured you could make use out of it, considering what was on it.”

Schism read through the information very carefully. His eyes widened. “No way… This is information on the ancient spirits that King Mutt had control over.” He looked at Wildfire. “Jack must have been researching this after he worked with Purpose, considering the whole ‘Guilt Kitty’ situation.”

Wildfire shrugged. “I guess? All I know is that those spirits… like the one known as Hatred-- they're mighty powerful little buggers.”

Schism kept on reading the text before him. “This is incredible… and it has given me an idea. After I destroy Wreckage and T.U.F.F.-”

“Hey, I expect something for this, y’know.”

He groaned. “Fine.” He walked over to a cabinet and opened it. He took out an orange gem and threw it to Wildfire, who caught it. “Use this to make some money.”

Wildfire grinned as he looked at the gem. “Nice…”

Schism leaned back on the weapon he was building and folded his arms, for he did not want to take his eyes away from his 'ally'. “Alright, now leave me be. I need to get this finished.”

He turned around and walked out of the ship. “Yeah, yeah. I at least expected a thank you.”

After he exited the ship, Schism locked the door and sighed. “Hard to believe he’s the only one I can trust. Like me, he likes to make the best of a situation. I took a risk letting him show up here when nobody else knows where I am…” He looked down at the device in his hand and grinned with his sharp teeth. “It was well worth it, though…!”


Back at T.U.F.F. HQ, as everyone sat around Prospect, Snaptrap decided to speak up.

“Is this going to be a long story?” he asked as he raised his hand into the air.

“Not really,” said Prospect.

“Oh, okay then.”

Someone then entered the room. “Hey, everyone.”

Dudley and Kitty smiled. “Hey, Jojo!” they both said at once.

“Jojo?!” said Snaptrap under his breath. “He looked over his shoulder to see Jojo sit next to him. “W-What are you doing here?!”

She giggled. “I work here, silly.”


She smiled at him. “I heard about how you and your friends saved Daisy from a T.O.O.R. soldier.”

“You did?” asked Dudley to Snaptrap with raised eyebrows. “That’s…not really your style.”

Snaptrap laughed nervously. “It wasn’t exactly like that…”

Dudley put his arm over Daisy’s shoulder. “Well, she’s here now, thanks to you!” He looked at Daisy. “Right, Daisy? He saved you from a T.O.O.R. soldier, huh?”

“Uh… Yeah, that’s right!” said Daisy hesitantly. “It’s not like that T.O.O.R. goon was going to let me go or anything. Ha ha ha…!

Jojo placed her hand on Snaptrap's arm. “I also heard that you saved Dudley and Kitty’s lives when they faced Wreckage. That was very sweet of you…!”

Snaptrap’s face became quite red. “I-It wasn’t like that! I just wanted them around so that I could defeat them someday…!”

“My word, this has gotten out of hand…” said Bird Brain as he rubbed his forehead.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” asked Larry to Jojo.

“Not at all," she replied with small laugh. “What's your question?”

“Sorry for if this sounds rude, but...are you Snaptrap's girlfriend?”

She blushed from hearing this. “O-Oh! His...girlfriend...?”

Snaptrap smacked Larry across the snout. “Ow!

“Can it, you little PUNK!!!” yelled Saptrap.

Kitty blinked in confusion. “Umm...” She shrugged. “Nope. Not even going to ask,” she said very quietly, looking the other way.

“Er… Everyone?” said Prospect quietly.

Aww... You're so lucky, Snaptrap...” said the Chameleon with a frown. “It's rare to be a villain and have a nice girlfriend at the same time. As you know, I had a girlfriend a while back, but I think she just wanted my money..."

“Can we all just DROP THIS?!?!” snapped Snaptrap. “The man in the armor over there wants to tell a story! Let him tell it for crying out loud! My gosh!” He folded his arms in a huff.

Dudley looked at Prospect. “Oh! Sorry, dad- Prospect, or… uh, we have your attention.”

Thank you," he replied with a sigh. "Now, let me explain just why Wreckage hates me so much…”


- The past -

Samuel was walking down a path with Malmsteen at night. It was the same area where they first met. At this point, they have met here many times so that Samuel could train.

“Looks like you’re getting the hang of your powers, kiddo,” said Malmsteen.

“Thanks, Malmsteen,” said Samuel with a smile.

“Sooner or later, your powers will prove to be very useful…”

“Yeah, when it comes to helping everyone here.”

She grinned. “Of course.”

“Do you think I’m strong enough to help defeat the rest of the Shedding Hair? I know that they’re almost fully defeated by now, but…”

She stopped walking and placed her finger under his chin. “Hey, every battle counts, right? If you feel that you’re ready, then you’re ready.”

Samuel nodded. “Right! Thanks a lot for everything.”

“Oh, you don’t need to thank me at all.”

“Samuel!” hollered a voice. Both Samuel and Malmsteen looked over to see that Prospect was standing at the end of the path.

“Prospect!” said Samuel somewhat nervously.

“What are you doing out here so late? And…who is this?”

Samuel looked over at Malmsteen. “This is my friend, Lady Malmsteen. She’s been helping me train to become more powerful. Thanks to her, I can finally help out the rest of N.E.E.D.!”

Prospect stared at her for a moment. She had a somewhat amused look on her face. Prospect then grabbed his sword and pointed it at her. “Samuel… Come over here right now,” he said with a serious tone.

Samuel was both surprised and shocked from Prospect’s sudden hostility towards his friend. “Prospect? What…What are you doing? She’s my fri-”

Now, Samuel,” he said sternly. Even more confused than before, Samuel walked towards Prospect. “Go back to the campsite, please.”

Samuel was very worried. “What are you going to do with her?”

“Don’t worry. I just want to talk to her, but she cannot be trusted.” He looked at him from the corner of his eye. “I’ll explain later. Just go.”

Samuel looked over at Malmsteen with a frown. She smiled at him. “Don’t worry about me, little guy. We’re just going to have some grownup talk. Run along, now.”

“…Okay then,” he said as he began to walk off.

After Samuel left, Prospect got very close to Malmsteen, pointing the blade at her throat. “What are you doing with him?” he demanded.

Malmsteen laughed. “Well, it’s like what the spiky haired kid said: I’m training him to become stronger. After all… I am his friend.”

“Quit playing games!” he growled. “I don’t know who you are, but I do know that you’re a Vampire, and your kind is nothing but trouble!”

“Jeez. That’s a little stereotypical. Ever herd of a kind Vampire?”

“I’m sure there are out there, but you’re a stranger who has been with Samuel all of this time, and I didn’t even know about it.”

She placed her hand on the blade and lowered from her neck. She leaned over, grinning at him. “It’s like I said: I was just helping out my friend.”

“He’s not supposed to be training to fight the enemy, and you are certainly not trying to help him for his sake.” Prospect backed up with his sword in hand. “I’m giving you a fair warning: Stay away from him, or else.”

She giggled. “Such a serious fellow! Very well. I’ll leave. I wouldn’t gain anything from messing with you, anyway.” She began to walk away, but then she stopped and looked at him from the corner of her eye. Her expression became more serious. “You can’t hide his power, you know… With or without my guidance, somebody will find out about his potential sooner or later…and end up using him for their needs.”

He frowned as he placed his sword on his back. “We’ll see about that…”


As Samuel waited in his room, he sat on his bed. Prospect then arrived and knocked on his door.

“Come in,” said Samuel with disappointment in his voice.

Prospect entered the room and sat on the chair in front of Samuel’s desk. He stayed quiet as he pressed his fingers against each other. He then spoke up. “So… you were training with her?”

“Yes,” replied Samuel with his head down.

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t tell you don’t want me in the battlefield.”

“Samuel, our battle is almost over with the Shedding Hair. They’re the biggest threat we’ve faced, but once they’re defeated, you, Danny, and I can live peaceful lives-- away from all of the fighting.”

“But what if N.E.E.D. has to fight another threat? We can’t just leave them.”

Prospect crossed his leg. “N.E.E.D. has plenty of soldiers at its disposal—especially after many of the people we’ve helped have decided to work with us. Besides… if N.E.E.D. ever really needs my help, I will be there to help them.”

“But…But I want to keep helping N.E.E.D. after this. I want to be able to use my new skills and abilities.”

“And you can, son, but not now. Let me and the others take care of the Shedding Hair and then I can train you myself. Whatever that Vampire lady taught you… clear it out of your head. She has trouble written all over her, and I don’t want you getting hurt because of what nonsense she may have put in your head.”

Samuel frowned. “You really think she wasn’t trying to help me…?”

“Yes, I do. I don’t know what her game was, but she was using you for something.”

As much as Samuel trusted Malmsteen, he always believed in Prospect’s instinct at the time. He trusted his judgement. “…Okay then.”

Prospect got up. “Good lad. Don’t you worry, either. You’ll have the chance to do your part to help. Now, about what exactly she taught you…” Suddenly, a loud emergency siren went off. Prospect and Samuel both got up from their seats. Prospect grabbed his sword. “Something’s going on… It must be the Shedding Hair.”

Samuel threw his fists out in determination. “Let me come with you! I can help you out!”

Prospect sighed. “You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?” He looked at the N.E.E.D. armor vest that layed next to Samuel’s desk. “Can you activate your armor?”

He looked at his armor vest and quickly grabbed it. He put it on over his blue jacket and slapped his hand against it a few times. He then looked up in disappointment. “…No…”

“…Soon, son. Soon enough you’ll be able to help.” He ran towards the door. “Please stay here! I’ll be back soon!”

Once he left, Samuel sat back on his bed. “I can’t believe my armor still can’t activate, even after everything I’ve been through. I figured it’d be able to work by now…”

It was then he heard some soldiers getting ready outside of his room. He was able to clearly hear two of them talking.

“Did you hear?” asked one of the soldiers. “The remaining Shedding Hair members ambushed one of our patrol teams at the far Eastern village with some…thing. I have no idea what it is. Must be some sort of weapon they were hiding from us.”

“Yeah, I did,” replied the other soldier. “The team that got ambushed is led by Danny.” Samuel’s eyes widened when he heard this. “He’s a great soldier, but whatever it is he described to us through our comms before we lost contact…” He sighed. “I hope he and the others are alright…”

After they ran off, Samuel felt extremely worried. “Oh no…!” he whispered to himself as he held his head. “Danny’s been attacked… What…What do I do?!” He looked down at his armor. “Prospect said I shouldn’t go, but Danny’s the one who’s been ambushed. This has never happened to him before… I-I can’t just sit around and do nothing!” A small tear went down his face. “I can’t keep being useless…!

He stood up from his bed once more and ran out of his room. “I won’t sit by any longer!” he thought to himself. “I don’t care if my armor won’t activate right now! I can still help!” He grabbed a nearby blaster from the camp. His expression became very determined. “I will help!”


At the far Eastern village, there were many flames. Danny was down on one knee, breathing heavily. He was extremely sore and tired. A few of his comrades were in a similar state, while many of them were lying across the ground. Several Shedding Hair members were walking towards them, blasters ready.

“Damn it…” said Danny under his white helmet. He normally didn’t wear it in the battlefield, but this battle was different. He was truly fighting for his life. A shadow moved through the flames before him, attacking a few more of the N.E.E.D. soldiers that were fighting their enemy. “How could a group of random thugs like these…have something this deadly without us knowing about it?”

The shadow moved in-between the other Shedding Hair members as it held a N.E.E.D. member in its large hand. It stared at Danny as it towered over him and his men. After a moment, the shadow crushed the armor on the soldier, dropping him to the ground.

Danny looked up at the shadow’s glowing soulless eyes. “Whatever this thing is…” he said under his breath.

Hni 0002 (2) by KingShovelton

“…It isn’t normal…
Here's the next chapter. I apologize if this and the next chapter are a bit serious and dark compared to the others. I mean, come on--this is based on T.U.F.F. Puppy of all things--TMX or not! However, I need these next flashback chapters to darker than usual, considering that this shows how Wreckage became the monster he is today.

Isn't it a funny coincidence how every chapter that has Malmsteen in it is usually more serious than the chapters without her? Huh. That's pretty weird, but I guess it makes sense. She is a dark Vampire, after all. I guess the darkness affects the tone around her. lol

Wildfire belongs to :icontuffagentshepherd:

Lady Malmsteen belongs to :iconshinragod:

Jojo belongs to :iconichi-coocoo:

Wreckage, Schism, Prospect, Danny, T.O.O.R., and N.E.E.D. belong to me.

T.U.F.F. Mission X belongs to me. - Link to Saga 2 info! -

T.U.F.F. Puppy belongs to Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon.
© 2016 - 2024 KingShovelton
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You ever watch James and the giant peach, that picture kinda reminds me of two of the giant monster in the film. (Specifically the rhino.)